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Android Main Path / Re: hello
« Last post by Malkom on December 28, 2020, 06:29:18 AM »
Hello, welcome to our forums :)

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Android Main Path / hello
« Last post by sethgar9024 on December 27, 2020, 03:49:58 AM »
Graphics / Re: Embedded Fonts
« Last post by Malkom on September 16, 2020, 07:55:24 AM »
I'm sorry, but HAC doesn't support embedded fonts.

It can only access fonts already installed on the device because it needs to know their name as provided by the Android OS.

For instance to set the font for a button use the command - ButtonSetFont(button_number,font_name)

By the way, fields only display properly with Mono fonts.

Please note,
HAC is quite old and was last tested fully on Android OS 4.1, seemed to work well in version 5, but Android is now up to version 11 (2020).
As the Android OS has improved, so the way that some features worked has markedly changed, so breaking older code.

HAC offers a menu system that is no longer supported by most modern smart phones.
Older phones had a menu button so allowing HAC developers to easily create and offer Android phone users a complex menu system.
Therefore many HAC demos that required the menu button just do not work on modern smartphones.

Graphics / Embedded Fonts
« Last post by LinesOfCodes on September 15, 2020, 11:10:13 AM »
I want to know is HAC embedded used fonts into the application?
Because I want to use a font that's not available on android by default.
Getting Started / Re: Basic hello world app
« Last post by Majorsingh on May 01, 2019, 08:48:31 AM »
The Emulator seems fine. I'll just have to live with that. I'll keep checking back to see if you have a solution to my problem of the small app on my phone.
Which model of phone and Android OS does it use?

Perhaps you have already tried using HAC to run your app on your phone using HAC's Go menu, option Run Android

Also, in HAC, menu Android, option Your Application, is the scale setting set to To Fit or Stretch. I'm guessing your phone has high res screen.

News / HAC website moved to new server
« Last post by Malkom on June 23, 2018, 07:28:03 AM »
HAC website moved to new server.
Getting Started / Re: Basic hello world app
« Last post by p3aul on January 19, 2017, 12:50:21 AM »
Also, in HAC, menu Android, option Your Application, is the scale setting set to To Fit or Stretch. I'm guessing your phone has high res screen.

That was the problem! I set it to "Fit" rebuilt it and it ran perfectly!
Getting Started / Re: Basic hello world app
« Last post by Malkom on January 18, 2017, 04:29:33 PM »
The Emulator seems fine. I'll just have to live with that. I'll keep checking back to see if you have a solution to my problem of the small app on my phone.
Which model of phone and Android OS does it use?

Perhaps you have already tried using HAC to run your app on your phone using HAC's Go menu, option Run Android

Also, in HAC, menu Android, option Your Application, is the scale setting set to To Fit or Stretch. I'm guessing your phone has high res screen.


Getting Started / Re: Basic hello world app
« Last post by p3aul on January 18, 2017, 02:21:47 PM »
The Emulator seems fine. I'll just have to live with that. I'll keep checking back to see if you have a solution to my problem of the small app on my phone.
Getting Started / Re: Basic hello world app
« Last post by Malkom on January 18, 2017, 01:52:50 PM »
Ok I am having a problem. After I create the program and run it I get the splash screen. I click on the splash screen, it goes away and I push the button with my mouse. I get the dialog box that says "Hello world". I then click on the mode menu "Design". I get this error box as below. What is Exception 5? When I goto the hello folder on my computer I have the APK file. I sideload this to a directory on my phone called downloads. I use an app on my phone called File Manager. When I navigate to the download directory on my phone and select hello.apk, it asks me if I want to install, so I install and then run the app. All I get is a small rectangle in the upper left of my phone with a very tiny button. In essence, the image of the screen in HAC. I can't make it bigger and when I "push" it nothing happens. I built an app using the MIT appinventor and sideloaded it from my computer and it worked fine so I know this method works. Using appinventor is alright but you can't make any serious apps. The method is so juvenile.

Hi Paul,

I hope the following post might help you with your "Exception =5" problem:-

I'll do some checks now to see if I can find out what might be causing your Hello app to be scaled so small on your phone.

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